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Elaine Gantz Wright

Beth -- Great post. I have been struggling with businesses to help them understand that social media not a channel -- but a behavior. This helps illuminate the importance of that concept and sheds psychological light, as well.

Corry Cummings

Hey Beth,

My name is Corry and I'm interested in writing a guest post for your blog. It would be on the general topic of social media and content creation. It would also be specifically focused for non-profits.

You can see some examples of my work here:

Let me know how this sounds, and thanks for your time.

Corry Cummings

Simon Mainwaring


That list is so important as emotions are still what motivates people and any outreach must be framed in those terms. What's different today is that many brands can frame their offerings in terms of the greater good rather than pure self interest (that was often the case with advertising before social media came along). Branding must always be a relationship you build not a thing you do.

Thanks for the great insights,


Erica Mills

Inspired post! We work mainly with nonprofits and, time and again, see them get the "deer in the headlights" look when it comes to crafting their social media strategy, and then implementing the tactics. And yet nonprofits are so good at relationships--they're part of the 'social sector' after all!

If they can orient themselves to see social media as simply another way for them to thoughtfully engage with their constituents (as opposed to a bunch of scary technology!), they do great. Your Psycho Sociographics will be extremely useful in this regard.

Thank you so much!!

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