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« WeAreMedia Live: Intensive Face-to-Face Workshop Feb 12-13 | Main | Share Your Story: Building Blocks of Social by Amy Sample Ward »


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Rachel Happe

Wow - love this framework Beth. The one element that I might be tempted to add is leadership and leadership training...if the top of the pyramid doesn't get it and doesn't understand what 'getting it' entails, there will be a lot of unnecessary friction in the organization as they roll a social media strategy out.

Thanks for including me as a reference!

Beth Kanter

I asked a follow up question -- isn't organizational culture the same as "leadership" and Rachel expanded in an email comment that I'm cross posting here:

You're right - culture and leadership are very closely interwoven but...I personally think they are worth separating because individual contributors are likely going to be easier to educate and get going because social media tools don't represent any risk to them personally, in fact they help individuals become more well known either within an organization or more broadly. Anyway, I see culture as getting broad adoption across the organization.

Leadership training then is the directed vs. facilitated approach of getting participation and brings up all the control issues. It's about both learning how to use the tools and understand their power, but also about changing the organizational roles/structures/incentives to ensure there is not a mis-alignment of what you are trying to do culturally with how people are rewarded (implicitly and explicitly). I don't think this is as huge an issue in the non-profit space as in corporate organizations but non-profits still have their own weird power dynamics that need to be aligned to really support a 'social' culture.

Maybe I am parsing things too much but I really feel like CEOs/Exec. Mgmt teams need a different set of discussions...and if they are not serious about making it happen the people under them who enthusiastically adopt will hit a lot of dead ends and get frustrated.

Scott Rooks

Thanks Beth.

As one who is just starting to research and get involved with some of the social media programs. This gives me an idea on how to create an admendment to my marketing plan so that I have a clear integrated process that works throughout the year.

The added conversation on leadership vs culture also tells me that there hasn't but needs to be broad approval by an organization especially in the executive area. That will come in handy for me in the near future and I am sure in a lot of nonprofits this could change the political landscape.

Very good outline for myself and others to proceed.

Chris Wolz

Beth -

Great framework - thanks for sharing it.

Two points:
-Capacity: I read Heather's post and comments about the problems groups will have if they "just" offload this stuff onto an intern - agreed. But I am wondering if there is not another way to look at this - i.e. using these social media tools to build your network of distributed supporters/partners around the world. I.e. on an issue like Burma - have someone in Den Hague track the latest best news, someone in Bangkok manage the Facebook account, etc etc. The issue need not be "use a paid staffer or an intern" but rather "do these social media tools give us an opportunity to build the team of people working on our cause?" Do you know of any examples of distributed efforts with SM tools?

-Experiment: Have you had any success with this approach? I often tell groups to start experimenting with social media tools and blogging by "playing" on other people's turf - by trying our posting/commenting/voting etc on social media and social media sites of others - and not trying (initially) to do their own efforts even if small.

Summary of your post here - fyi

Thanks - Chris




FYI, Re: identifying where your audience "lives" online. We can now do this for folks by mapping individual email addresses to public data on social networking sites.



Hi Beth, great post! I guess you purposely focus on social marketing by social media? I'm working out all the ways social media work on organisational processes and an exciting one is its core functions.

Blair Golson

Thank you, thank you thank you for distilling such a huge amount of information into such a concise and useful a package. I'm keeping this post bookmarked forever.

New media specialist
Child Care Resource Center
(Chatsworth, CA)


Absolutely fantastic post, Beth! Seriously useful.

Karl Long

Very nice framework Beth that asks some excellent questions especially about culture. I also think number 8 "experiment" should be highlighted, in many cases this is novel tools and technology being used in new and innovative ways, they idea that we can have a master plan is fallacy.


I really enjoyed your post, very thorough and as someone else said, concise. If you are interested I can send you a link to a "framework" that you might find helpful. It hits some of the items you mentioned in your post but not all.


This post is great. So in depth, but easy to get through. Thanks for sharing it with us, your loyal readers. I'm really trying to implement your principles with my new organization.


Great Job Beth! ... but we already knew your blog was great.


Once again, simply fascinating.

Your blog is so full of easily applicable ideas.

Great topic, great run through.

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