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Christine Egger

Thanks for the link, Beth. I'm still thinking about how Sprouts could have the potential to really transform the way we think about websites. Like they can suddenly open little franchises...

Alison Lowndes

Absolutely brilliant .. thanks for the tip, Beth, and thank you, Sprout



Thanks for the kind words. I really hope that people find ways to use Sprout to enrich online social organizing and advocacy. Even though we built in the ChipIn component for fundraising I believe there is more that can be done. It will be the creative minds within the npo sector that will find the ways. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Please tell us how we can make Sprout a better product for you!

Oh yeh.. we are also hiring.



michael gibbons

Beth another techie idea I found Skitch --- I used this really cool application to suggest an idea for your Cambodia for Kids Project ( on my recent Behind the Button blog post) -- let's put a face on that beautiful cause with custom photo buttons @
call me :-)

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