SEO Factors You Need to Focus on That Are Usually Forgotten

The SEO playing field is large. Which SEO-factors do people overlook when optimizing their website and content? Read about it here.

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Getting your page on the first page of a search engine’s results page is becoming increasingly harder. This is because the checklist for what you need to do to get to that position is getting longer by the day. Search engines now require that you do on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and have all technical aspects of your websites in order. Today, we are going to look at what you need to focus on right now, what will pay off greatly, and what will make things easier when you start going deeper into SEO.


In the past, people used to write their content for robots and search engines. This means they wrote content that would be picked up by search engine robots and spiders and placed at the top of search results. That is no longer the case because search engine algorithms have gotten better at detecting when you write for people and when you write for robots. The metrics they use include how much time people spend on the page, if they engage with the content in some way, and if they visit other pages on your website. These metrics tell you that you need to focus on content that interests people by doing proper research, avoiding the overuse of keywords and using proper anchors when linking content or outbound links.

On-page SEO

Another mistake a lot of webmasters do is focusing on what is outside their website rather than what is on it. For example, you might focus on getting backlinks to your website and forget that you have not ordered your headings property. On-page search engine optimization is all about making sure your pages are optimized for easy readability and navigation. For example, you want your title tags and descriptions to be clear and written properly so that people know what your website or article is all about, which entices them to click on your link.

On-page SEO is a very involved process, and that is why businesses that need SEO Perth choose companies that know everything there is to know about on page SEO. Perth Web Design is one such company with a reputation for getting websites to be displayed on the first page of any search engine. They also do so much more, including web design, branding and marketing, which makes them the go-to team for any and all website concerns.

Speed and Mobile Users

If your website is not catering to the needs of mobile users, you are missing out on a lot. First, major search engines prioritize websites that are mobile-responsive, and second, websites optimized for mobile are usually faster. This reduces your bounce rate and increases the amount of time visitors spend on your website, which, in turn,  improves your result page standings.

Also, making your website mobile responsive ensures mobile visitors have a better user experience, which makes it likely that they will be coming back to your website, thereby increasing your visitor count.

On-page optimization with the right content, a fast website, and mobile optimization are three areas that are often forgotten when it comes to SEO. Optimizing these areas will give you a massive SEO boost.


What are some commonly overlooked factors in SEO?
Overlooked factors include website loading speed, mobile responsiveness, image optimization, proper use of schema markup, and the quality of outbound links.

How does website loading speed affect SEO?
Website loading speed is crucial for SEO as slower sites can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why is mobile responsiveness critical for SEO?
Mobile responsiveness is essential as more users access the internet via mobile devices, and search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.

What is the importance of image optimization in SEO?
Optimizing images (size, format, alt text) improves page load times and user experience, both of which are important factors for SEO rankings.

How does schema markup influence SEO?
Schema markup helps search engines understand the content of your site, potentially leading to better visibility in SERPs through rich snippets.

Why are outbound links important in SEO?
Outbound links to reputable and relevant sites can enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of your content, contributing positively to SEO.

Can user experience (UX) elements impact SEO?
Yes, factors like easy navigation, clear calls-to-action, and engaging content layout can improve user engagement and, consequently, SEO performance.

What is the role of social signals in SEO?
Social signals, such as likes and shares, can indirectly influence SEO by driving traffic and increasing the visibility and credibility of your content.

How does website security affect SEO?
A secure website, typically indicated by HTTPS, is a ranking factor for search engines as it ensures a safe browsing experience for users.

Why is content freshness an overlooked factor in SEO?
Regularly updating content keeps it relevant and may give a site a boost in search rankings, as search engines tend to favor recent and updated information.

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