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Thanks to the hundreds of fine do-gooder folks who participated in the webinar launching Scout* Quest, our new data co-op on March 9!

If you missed it, or just want to know more of the scoop:

If you don’t already know, Scout Quest has already been successful for participating organizations in identifying people who are good candidates to reactivate over email, and also in advertising targeting. Highlights:

If this sounds intriguing (and we hope it does), you’ll be glad to know that sign-ups are now open for a limited number of organizations this year! The deadline to confirm participation and sign an agreement is April 11. Sign up here.

If you’d like more information about what the process entails and what’s needed from you in order to participate, here’s a quick summary (and lots more on the website!):

Hope we hear from you soon! Meanwhile, if you have any burning QUESTions you want to ask immediately, email us at

See you in the co-op!


* You might already know about Scout, M+R’s proprietary data dashboard that includes Scout Reports, Scout Ads, and Scout ROI. Until now, Scout has only been available to M+R clients. But Scout Quest…is way too great to keep to ourselves.