New Releases

Release Notes 2.30: Peer-to-Peer is LIVE

Introducing Handbid's peer-to-peer fundraising platform
Introducing Handbid's peer-to-peer fundraising platform

We are thrilled to announce the latest release of Handbid that includes some significant upgrades and new features!

Handbid's New Feature Update

Handbid releases a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Platform!

Handbid has just released our new peer-to-peer fundraising platform. Now organizations can manage their fundraisers in Handbid along with their auctions, crowdfunding campaigns and other events.

The first version of this peer to peer platform comes packed with a number of great features including:

  1. Real-time leaderboards showing fundraisers’ progress
  2. Option to create teams
  3. Tracking of both online and offline donations
  4. Simple tools for managers to move donations from page to page
  5. Fundraisers can track their donors and send individual thank you messages
  6. Full integration with Handbid’s existing invite, guest list, ticketing and auction platforms!

As part of this upgrade, managers now have an integrated dashboard showing all auctions, fundraisers and events for their organization. Moreover, users can manage any or all of their events using the same familiar Handbid manager interface!

For more information about our new peer to peer fundraising platform, please visit our website:

Or click below to schedule a demo!


Additional fixes and upgrades

This release was a big one for us, packing in over 126 features and fixes. In addition to our integrated dashboard and fundraising platform, we also made the following updates:

  • We added the same templates feature to Auctions that was built into Fundraisers. Now, when managers go to edit their auction templates, they have an enhanced editor and easier use of tokens

We left out a lot of the smaller (less interesting) updates but hope you find these upgrades to be helpful. As always, if you have any questions for us, please reach us at

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