SEO Mistakes You May Have Overlooked And How To Fix Them

Propper SEO is difficult. Professionals that have put more than 10,000 hours in mastering SEO are still struggling. Here are some common mistakes and fixes.

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Search engine optimization is one of those tools that every business, whether they’re for-profit or not, needs to utilize. When done effectively, it naturally increases brand recognition, allowing you an easier job of completing whatever mission you set out to do.

With so many different SEO tactics out there, though, it’s easy to get confused or overlook things you didn’t realize are important. Plenty of sites tell you about the importance of including keywords and relevant backlinks, but they often don’t mention some of the finer details. That might be because they’re considered small and unimportant, but put all those elements together, and they can become a big problem.

To avoid doing any unnecessary damage to your site’s performance online, here are some of the mistakes you may have overlooked and how you can fix them.

Slowed Down Site

You don’t tend to think too much about a site’s speed when it’s quick to load. The slower the process is, though, the more noticeable it becomes. Unfortunately, a slow loading site isn’t just a nuisance – it can heavily impact your SEO.

Now that everyone is used to things happening instantly, the second something isn’t at their desired pace, it’s immediately putting them off. Many will click off the page without returning, with the probability of someone bouncing on a mobile device nearly 100% higher for a ten-second wait than a three-second one. As for those who do stick around, they tend to be less invested in what they’re ultimately presented with.

To ensure that speed doesn’t stand in the way of your site’s performance, you’ll want to remove anything that isn’t essential. This may mean deactivating plugins and cutting down on widgets until the load time is to your liking.

Lacking Expertise, Authoritativeness, And Trustworthiness

Google is continually changing its algorithm to ensure that the sites they highlight are the ones best suited to each search result. That can be a problem for you, as it means something you’ve gotten used to doing can be effective one day and a hindrance to the next.

Something that’s become of interest recently, but which Google won’t freely admit plays a significant role in their algorithm, is E-A-T. This stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, and it essentially determines whether or not you’re the best site to discuss the content you share.

This important aspect of SEO affects every business, particularly those that cover Your Money or Your Life topics. Understandably, this can potentially include non-profits, which is why it’s crucial to ensure you meet Google’s expectations on each of those factors. Doing so won’t necessarily give you a significant push up the rankings, but failing to do so could significantly affect your SEO standing.

Duplicated Or Missing Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are seen as a hassle by many site owners, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. Quite the opposite, actually. They’re an essential tool for ranking well with SEO, and failing to incorporate them properly could cost you dearly.

It’s not enough just to include a meta description for all your web pages, though. You need to ensure that what is written is unique for every page; otherwise, you could get penalized by search engines. Google doesn’t like to see duplicate content, and that goes for meta descriptions as well as in main bodies of text.

So, if you’ve copied and pasted information in your meta description, or you’ve not written any at all, you’ll need to change that as soon as possible. Not only will search engines appreciate it, but people who visit your site will too. Stuff like this can make a big difference to the user experience.

Complicated URLs

You might not think too much about your web pages’ URLs, but you absolutely should. As with all these other factors, they can play a surprisingly important role in SEO. So, if they’re done poorly, it may harm your search engine rankings.

There’s a lot to consider when constructing a URL, and you can find everything you need to know here. Essential things to remember are not to capitalize any letters, use hyphens instead of underscores, and try to keep it short but memorable. Users might not initially find your web pages by searching this URL, but they may well use it to return to your site later. So, it pays to have something that’s simple to remember.

It’s easy to overlook certain SEO elements when there are so many different strategies to consider. However, it’s important not to let the little things slide, as you never know how badly these could snowball out of control. If you’ve made any of these mistakes, try to fix them as soon as you can, and hopefully, your search engine rankings will start improving.


What are common SEO mistakes to avoid?
Common mistakes include keyword stuffing, neglecting mobile optimization, ignoring meta descriptions and title tags, creating duplicate content, and overlooking website loading speed.

How does keyword stuffing negatively impact SEO?
Keyword stuffing can lead to a poor user experience and is penalized by search engines, resulting in lower rankings.

Why is mobile optimization crucial in SEO?
With the increasing use of mobile devices, mobile optimization is crucial as search engines favor mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.

What is the impact of ignoring meta descriptions on SEO?
Ignoring meta descriptions can result in missed opportunities to engage users in search engine results, potentially lowering click-through rates.

How can duplicate content affect a website’s SEO performance?
Duplicate content can confuse search engines about which page to prioritize, potentially diluting ranking power and leading to lower visibility in search results.

Why is neglecting website loading speed a significant SEO mistake?
Slow-loading websites offer a poor user experience and are often penalized in search rankings, leading to reduced traffic and engagement.

Can poor-quality content lead to SEO issues?
Yes, low-quality or thin content can fail to satisfy user queries, resulting in lower search rankings and decreased user engagement.

What are the consequences of not using header tags effectively?
Not using header tags effectively can make content harder for search engines to understand and for users to read, impacting SEO and user experience.

How does failing to build quality backlinks affect SEO?
Neglecting backlink building can limit a site’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines, leading to lower rankings.

What is the downside of not conducting regular SEO audits?
Not conducting regular SEO audits can lead to missed opportunities for optimization and unresolved issues that could negatively impact search engine rankings and website performance.

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